Centre Maurice Halbwachs

Masculinization of Old Age in South Asia

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center Maurice Halbwachs in the CALICO project (funded by IReSP)

Sehar Ezdi completed her thesis titled “The Elderly Missing Women Phenomenon” from Germany in 2017. Her thesis theoretically, analytically and empirically adopts the life course perspective to depict how several countries across Asia and potentially Africa are exhibiting an excess of elderly (60+, 75+) men in their populations, contrary to the global trend. Subsequently, she worked on an ERC project in Finland where she used diverse longitudinal datasets to examine the impact of family policies on fertility in different European countries.

She currently works as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center Maurice Halbwachs with Marie Plessz, in the CALICO project (funded by IReSP, see https://solal.hypotheses.org/755). The aim of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of health inequalities by analysing the dynamics of daily practices that contribute to health. Sehar Ezdi is using the Constances cohort dataset to assess the relationship between job loss and changes in dietary patterns and physical activity, according to gender and education.

This issue of Etudes et documents No 19 titled “Masculinization of Old Age in South Asia” is a sub-section of Sehar Ezdi’s thesis. It combines the introduction of the thesis with the analytical results from South Asia with a two-fold objective : to depict the application of the life course perspective to the (elderly) missing women phenomenon ; and, to highlight the countries in South Asia that are displaying an elderly missing women phenomenon.
Etudes et documents n°19 – Juillet 2019